Healthcare facilities & engineering certificate series
Deadline: january 31, 2025
KCAHE is offering four (4) $300 scholarships for current healthcare members to attend the Healthcare Facilities & Engineering Certificate Series powered by Johnson County Community College. The series includes 32 hours of training from industry professionals focused on the skills needed for hospital operation. The purpose of the scholarship is to provide training resources to local Healthcare Facilities Operators.
Interested individuals must submit an essay stating why they are applying for this scholarship and why they are interested in further developing their skills as a hospital operator. Proof of enrollment in the complete series will be required to obtain the scholarship (Distribution will be via a promo code at checkout for discount). Attendance is preferred at all sessions. If schedules will not allow attendance at all sessions, please include commitment narrative in the essay.
Essay should be 500 words or less.
All applications must be accompanied by this form and are due back to KCAHE by January 31st, 2025.
ASHE Health care Facilities innovation conference scholarship
Deadline: may 1, 2025
KCAHE is offering one (1) scholarship for a current KCAHE healthcare member to attend the ASHE Health Care Facilities Innovation Conference (ASHE Annual Conference) in Columbus, OH July 27-30, 2025. Scholarship funds will cover travel costs, hotel accommodations, registration fees to the conference, and attendance at the Chapter Leadership Forum (required attendance by scholarship recipient) held on Sunday, July 27. (Total amount not to exceed $3,000)
Interested individuals must submit an essay stating why they are applying for this scholarship and explaining why they should receive funding to attend the ASHE Annual Conference. Essay should be 250 words or less.